Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Floral Interlude

Floral interlude

These flowers are on my kitchen window sill

Amarylis - has been blooming every year for the last 4 or 5 years




Saturday, 19 June 2010


Flowers in my garden

Look at the 2nd picture below and you can see why it's nick named snap dragon. If you press on the flower, it snaps!
Snap dragon

Snap dragon 1


Dog rose



These are actually winter flowers and yet they are blooming now. I think they must be bit confused! hehe. And the plants you see in the background are chilli plants. They have tiny buds, so fingers crossed, if I get any chillies, will take some pictures.


Pink poppy

Sunday, 16 May 2010



Spring flowers! Let the flowers speak for themselves.
Feathered tulip

Another view of the feathered tulip

Regular tulip

Rosemary bush

Wisteria plant

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers

These have been out for quite a while but I haven't had the time to upload them. The first one is crocus

These are snow drops but with a double row petal instead of the normal single row petal. Aren't they pretty?

Saturday, 6 March 2010

my window sill

My window sill

I call my kitchen window sill my magic window sill because my flowers and plants love it there and they all trive there!

The orchids on the left have been in bloom since last year late summer (I think) and the other orchid just started blooming. The daffodils were given to me by Kris. Thanks Kris. The plant on the extreme right is a curry leaf plant which my mum brought over ages ago, I thought it had died last year, then it decided that it wanted a second lease of life, so it started leafing again, though not as bushy as I want it to. So the other day, I sacrificed quite a few of its branches and I hope it will branch out a bit more.

The orchid on the left were given to me by Siat and so hopefully they will go on for a long time more. The little plant next to the orchids is a kaffir lime leaf plant. It is growing slowly but surely! And the plant on the right - that is a Christmas cactus which normally blooms around November December - hence it's name. It did bloom then and this is it's second blooming.

Saturday, 4 July 2009



Previously when friends came for dinner and brought me an orchid plant as a present, I would put them on the window sill for the duration when the flowers are in bloom and after that, the leaves will wither away and then just throw it away or just have leaves and nothing else. I got tired of this and wondered if there was a way to revive the ochids. Searched the net and the answer was so easy. Just soak the whole pot in lukewarm water for 8 hours – I soak mine in the morning before I leave for work and drain the water away in the evenings. Just do this once a week and look at my plants – they have been blooming away. I am so thrilled!

orchid 2

orchid 1

Wednesday, 28 January 2009


These are pictures of my amarylis that I have been taking to show how quick they grow once the bud is out. Look at the shorter bud and see how fast it is shooting! This is the 3rd year that it has flowered and 1st time that I get 2 blooms!
Dated 19/01




