Buta means pig an Jiru means soup, so literally pork soup!
Promised my friend Judy that I will show her how to make miso soup. Most of the miso soups that you get in restaurants are just tofu with seaweed, but in home cooking in Japan, almost anything can be thrown into the soup. For example, you can have:
sliced onions with beaten eggs
nameko (a kind of slimy mushrooms) with tofu
clams with tofu
cabbage with sliced pork
mange tout
These are just a few ideas, but what I made to show is called Buta Jiru. And because it was last minute, I only used what I could find in my pantry and freezer.
You can add burdock root or gobo as well.
Buta Jiru
Ingredients: for 4 ppl
Daikon - cut into quarters and sliced thinly
Carrots - ditto
Belly pork - sliced
Konnyaku - blanched in hot water for a few minutes and cut into slices
Dashi - 1 packet
Miso - 1 ladleful (you can use red or white, I used a combination of both)
1. Bring about 3 cupfuls of water to the boil and then add dashi.
2. Add all the ingredients and simmer till daikon has softened.
3. Lower the fire and you could either slowly stir the miso in the ladle to slowly dissolve it or use a strainer and strain the miso through.