Born 17 Sept 1965
Safe in the arms of Jesus - 15 Sept 2009
I just want to share with my friends and his friends a few pictures of Francis.
Francis a few months old with Mama taken at her house at Bukit Ho Swee

Francis and me at Japanese Gardens

Francis 12th birthday

Found this written in my autograph book, naughty boy must have sneaked it in. I didn't even know it was in there until recently.

Another one that he sneaked in but this one must have been when he was older as the writing has somewhat matured!

Francis army days

Francis passing out

When we were back in SG in 2001

My surprise birthday party from Francis

It's just past 2 months since Francis has gone. But it still hurts and I think about him most of the time. It's always why but I know it is not for us to question - God has his plan for us except that we don't know what it is.
Still I have to thank God for looking after my mum, that although I am sure she misses Francis, she is strong and taking it in her stride.
Thank you to everyone who attended his wake and funeral. As the funeral was on Monday which was a public holiday, there was a big turn out. I am sure he was pleased to see so many people who care.
I would also like to thank a lot of people here for helping my mum clear out the shop for handing back to the landlord.
My choir friends, Liana's father and family and E who actually only went to collect a fish tank, but on seeing my mum clearing, stayed on and for the next few days, came to help.
My friend's maid, my friend who sent his workers to clear the unwanted items, my cousins... hope I have not forgotten anyone. A big thank you! Because of your collected efforts, the shop has been handed back in time.
But I just cannot believe that he is gone. He would always call on April Fool's day to try and catch me and he did in the early days but then in recent years, I always reminded myself so he couldn't catch me out anymore. But he usually managed to fool mum. But this year, he sent me a text to say that he wouldn't call to fool me,hehe. Then a few days after my wedding anniversary this year, he sent an sms to wish us a belated anniverary apologising for the belated wish saying that he was busy with work. I will miss his calls (which start - eh sis), his emails, and dinners with him when I am back,his corny jokes.... I'll miss everything about him.
Rest in peace Francis.
Love forever