These are from the left over crumbs after making the wedding and christening cakes. I had always wanted to make these and after scouring the net, came up with my own recipe.
Rum Balls
Left over chocolate cake crumbs
2 tbsp condensed milk
50 gms chopped dark chocolate
2 tbsp double cream
2 tbsp baileys or rum or any liquer that you like
hundreds and thousands
chopped chocolate
sugar balls, etc
1. Microwave the chopped chocolate and double cream for a couple of minutes till the chocolate is melted through. Leave to cool.
2. Mash the cake crumbs with fingers. Add the condensed milk and cooled chocolate. Add in the your choice of liquer and mix well. It will be quite soft at this stage. Set aside and put in fridge for about 1/2 hour to harden.
3. After 1/2 hour take out from fridge and form into balls. Size is completely up to you.
4. After forming into balls, roll into the different sugar toppings.
Result is so moreish, you can't stop at one!

Wishing everyone a blessed and wonderful 2011!