This is a very belated post and I would like to thank E of Precious Moments for this award. I started blogging in July 2008... geez going to be 2 years soon... anyway, to continue, mainly as a sort of journal so my family and friends in Singapore and other parts of the world would know what was happening in my life besides my cooking and baking.
People who know me will be surprised when I say I am a rather shy person.. in fact no one will believe me!I say this because although I read a lot of blogs, I do not post or leave comments in them, hence I am not really known in the blogging world.
Hence, when I received this award from E who I have known for a few years already, I was happy but in a quandry as I do not have 12 bloggers to pass to.
The rule of this award is as follows:
(1) thank the person who passed you the award.
(2) paste the award to your blog.
(3) pass it to another 12 bloggers or more if you prefer.
(4) write 10 things about yourself.
This is my list of bloggers who I log on to almost daily:
zu.About myself:
1. A Singaporean who got married at 21 and lived in Japan for 4 years from 82 to 86.
2. 10 years ago remarried to a Englishman and now residing in London.
3. My daughter, who will be 24 this year was with me until last year when my brother passed away, so she went back to Singapore to accompany her grandmother. I miss her very much but I suppose my mum comes first.
4. Used to own a cafe in Singapore for a short period of time called "Tina's Peranakan Delights" in Orchard Road yonks ago. Gave up the shop because I met my present husband and got married.
5. Love experimenting with food.
6. Love baking too and last year did a 5 day cake decorating course, so am into sugarcraft now. Bake almost every weekend for hubby's tea.
7. Love travelling and visiting new places.
8. Am a terrible book worm and when I was younger, used to read non stop. Right now am reading 2 books on the go, one for the tube and one before going to bed.
9. Like I said above, am a shy person until I get to know someone.
10.Going back to Singapore once a year to visit mum, daughter, relatives and friends and to enjoy my much loved hawker food!