Sunday 10 January 2010


Winter Wonderland?

Snow last year was early. Since I have been here, it normally snows after Christmas but last year, it snowed on 21 Dec. That was the day I was due to arrive back from Singapore. Boy was I worried because normally when I go to Singapore even in winter, I do not take a coat with me as it is too bulky and I always think that Pat will pick me up, so that will not be a problem. But on the morning (0600) that I was dur to arrive, the forecast was for -5 deg. Yikes! I only had my cardigan with me but with 2 pcs of T-shirts underneath, I managed to brave the cold and got picked up without being frozen!

Then the same day because it was snowing so badly in the daytime, Pat could not leave his office as the roads were so jam packed. He finally got home around midnight. When he arrived home the next day he told me when he drove to work in the morning, there were cars literally abandoned on the roads. Because it was so icy and because of the jams the night before, people just left the cars and walked home!

As for me, because I have a rear drive car,it will not take me up the slope outside our house, so I was snowed in for 3 days. I was panicking as I had not done my Christmas food shopping yet. Pat was working and could not take me until 23 evening. Whew!

These are the pictures that I took yesterday but the first one was taken last year in Feb when Liana was still here and when we built the snowman together.

Taken from doorway


HK Choo said...

Finally a White Christmas, wonderful isn't it? I just want the snow without the cold, hahah.. :)

Glad everything turned out alright for you, Tina.

tina said...

HK - I agree with you about the snow without the cold. hehe
